About me
I am a fifth-year PhD student in Economics at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) and Tinbergen Institute under the supervision of Olivier Marie (EUR) and Nadine Ketel (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam). I hold a Research Qualification from the Tinbergen Institute, a Master in Economics from the Erasmus School of Economics, and a Master of Laws from the Erasmus School of Law.
My main research interests include the economics of crime, education, discrimination, and labour economics. In my PhD thesis, I focus on the causes and mechanisms behind unfavourable socioeconomic outcomes. You can find more information on my research here.
Research news:
8 April 2024 Erasmus University Rotterdam created an explainer video about our study "The Fast and the Studious?"
14 March 2024 Our study "The Fast and the Studious?" has again been covered by Dutch newspaper NRC
1 September 2023 Our study "The Fast and the Studious?" has been covered by Dutch newspaper NRC and by NOS Stories (the Dutch national news)
21 June 2023 New version of "The Fast and the Studious?" with Olivier Marie and Marco Musumeci
13 May 2023 Our study "The Fast and the Studious?" has been covered by Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad
28 April 2023 Working paper of "The Fast and the Studious? Ramadan Observance and Student Performance" with Olivier Marie and Marco Musumeci is out!Â
Conferences and workshops:
24-26 June 2024: COMPIE Conference (COunterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands
5-7 September 2024: EALE Conference, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway
4-5 October 2024: Transatlantic Workshop on the Economics of Crime (TWEC), ETH Zurich, Switzerland
You can contact me at hanemaaijer [at] ese [dot] eur [dot] nl